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The Kesher Teens program is for students post-bnai mitzvah. Goals for the program are:

  • Create a sense of positive connection to their peers, to the BTBJ synagogue community and to the wider Jewish community.

  • Build strong Jewish identities in the minds and hearts of our students with an emphasis on finding their own voices and connections with Jewish tradition.

  • Cultivate Jewish literacy, focusing on: Jewish year cycle, Jewish life cycle, Mitzvot (Kashrut, Shabbat, Jewish Values & Ethics), Israel, History, Tanach, Hebrew, Prayer & Ritual

  • Inspire teens to deepen their Jewish engagement, connection to Israel and life-long Jewish learning.

We understand our teens are very busy so we provide two tracks for our Kesher Teens program. 

Option 1:

  • Attend Wednesday Kesher Teens Classes

  • Participate in social action group project

  • Contribute to the BTBJ community

  • Plan and Participate in the Spring Confirmation service (10th grade)

Option 2:

  • Work with Rabbi Kami, Cantor Benjamin or Morah Karoline to create a program which includes: learning, social action project, and a BTBJ project

  • Collectively this program should be 30 hours over the course of the school year

  • quarterly meetings with Rabbi Kami, Cantor Benjamin or Morah Karoline to discuss your work

  • Plan and Participate in the Spring Confirmation service (10th grade)

In the Spring the Kesher Teens group takes a day trip. Since teens can participate in Kesher Teens for up to three years we are planning a 3 year rotation for students which will include: New York, Historic Jewish Philadelphia, and a social action trip. 

Teens work towards confirmation (10th grade) throughout their years participating in Kesher Teens. They take an active role in planning the confirmation service and becoming further involved in the BTBJ community. The Confirmation Service is held the Sunday closest to Shavuot. 


Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785